Honestly networking = making friends. I've found when I think about networking, I don't really get that far, but when I am just being myself and am open to conversations, I realize who I know that I can genuinely rely on now and in the future. Definitely be friendly with the masters students you encounter - they want to help anyways! The friends you make, the people you're roommates with, the people you work on projects with, are the people that are going to cast/recommend/call/etc. you in the future. Hope that helps! :)
Hey y’all! I’m Sarah Johnson and I graduated from Booker in 2018. I am currently in my third year at Florida State University. I am a Theatre major earning a B.A. degree (I can help you distinguish between B.A. and B.F.A. degrees and help you decide what’s best for you). After I graduate, I’m hoping to start my acting career in film/TV and/or theatre (hopefully both!) in somewhere like Atlanta or Chicago. I also know a little bit about the filmmaking program. Rooting for you!
My name is Sydney Catalfino and I graduated from BHS in 2019 and I'm currently studying as a sophomore at Ringling College of Art and Design. I'm majoring in Computer Animation and will soon be minoring in Business of Art. After I graduate, I plan to work internationally as a freelance story artist and animator for Television. If you have any questions regarding visual arts careers, post-secondary options or portfolio types, I'd be delighted to answer.
I graduated from BHS in 1984 and went on to study at New College (with a year at The University of Glasgow as an exchange student). I was a VPA student at BHS, and majored in music in college. I work in classical music, in audio/video production. I live outside of the US, in the Netherlands. Happy to answer any questions about music (production) careers, or about working/living in Europe.
I would say it largely depends on what your program requirements are, what your dual major is in, and whether or not you are majoring or minoring. I majored in Political Science but minored in dance and this was very doable. I also knew Biomed majors who minored in dance. However, I knew very few musical theatre double majors just due to the time constraints the theatre program had. If you're hoping to do two areas of study I would suggest potentially majoring in one and minoring in the other.
Do you have any tips or advice on networking when in college?
Hey y’all! I’m Sarah Johnson and I graduated from Booker in 2018. I am currently in my third year at Florida State University. I am a Theatre major earning a B.A. degree (I can help you distinguish between B.A. and B.F.A. degrees and help you decide what’s best for you). After I graduate, I’m hoping to start my acting career in film/TV and/or theatre (hopefully both!) in somewhere like Atlanta or Chicago. I also know a little bit about the filmmaking program. Rooting for you!
My name is Sydney Catalfino and I graduated from BHS in 2019 and I'm currently studying as a sophomore at Ringling College of Art and Design. I'm majoring in Computer Animation and will soon be minoring in Business of Art. After I graduate, I plan to work internationally as a freelance story artist and animator for Television. If you have any questions regarding visual arts careers, post-secondary options or portfolio types, I'd be delighted to answer.
I graduated from BHS in 1984 and went on to study at New College (with a year at The University of Glasgow as an exchange student). I was a VPA student at BHS, and majored in music in college. I work in classical music, in audio/video production. I live outside of the US, in the Netherlands. Happy to answer any questions about music (production) careers, or about working/living in Europe.
Is it reasonable to maintain an education different from the arts your studying in college rather than only focuses on that certain art form?
What type of career(s) are you referring to when talking about an "entertainment related" major?